The requirement:
We need to get the latest case note entry made by a user not the system. Data required is date, time, user ID, subject and content fields.
The database structure:
Case Table
Column name | Type |
Id (PK) | int |
Column name | Type |
Id (PK) | int |
CreateDateTime | datetime |
CaseId (FK) | varchar(50) |
CreateOperator | varchar(50) |
NoteTitle | varchar(100) |
NoteContent | text |
Service | varchar(50) |
Column name | Type |
Id (PK) | int |
CaseId (FK) | varchar(50) |
Status | varchar(100) |
The solution
It appears fairly straightforward at first glance. Just join across the three tables using primary keys and foreign keys. The complication comes in that we only want to see the most recently added note on a case.
So, I used a sub-select to get the most recently created note ( max(CreateDateTime) ) and compare it to the CreateDateTime in the original select statement. It’s probably easier to look at the sql……
DECLARE @Service varchar(20)
SET @Service = ‘MyServiceName’
SELECT attach.Service, attach.CreateDateTime, attach.pxLinkedRefFrom, work.Id, attach.NoteTitle, attach.NoteContent, idx.Status
FROM myCaseTable work
JOIN myNoteTable attach ON work.Id = attach.CaseId
LEFT OUTER JOIN myServiceTable idx ON idx.CaseId = attach.CaseId
WHERE attach.CreateDateTime =
SELECT MAX(CreateDateTime) FROM myNoteTable attach2)
WHERE attach2.CaseId = attach.CaseId
AND attach2.CreateOperator <> 'System'
AND attach2.Service = @service
Any feedback, especially more performant ways of achieving the same thing task welcome.
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